I am happy to announce that i am guest hosting Sangeetha’s event,“Show Me Your HITS” for the month of April2012.I am really
excited!!Thanks a lot Sangeetha for giving me this opportunity...
I have chosen “Soy Recipes”.Soy’s a versatile bean, is found in foods like soy milk, soy sauce, and tofu etc., Foods that contain whole soy are a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
Benefits of Soy Food,
1.A Great Source of Protein.
2.Lowers Cholesterol
3.Keeps the Heart Healthy and many more!!
Here's the rules to participate,
1. Send in any Soy recipe which include Soy milk,Soy
Flour,Soy Chunks,Firm Tofu n silken Tofu. No Deep fried recipes.
2. Only Vegetarian or Vegan recipes please. Eggs are allowed in baking.
3. Usage
of the logo is appreciated as it
helps spread the word.
4. Link to Sangeetha's HITS
event announcement page and this announcement page's mandatory.
5.If sending an old entry, it needs to be re-published with the links.
5.If sending an old entry, it needs to be re-published with the links.
6.You can send in any number of new entries and a maximum of 2
old entries.
7.Event runs from April1 - April 30

Looking forward to see all your Wonderful and Recipes.